Aug 1, 2024

Technical Pick of the Week #14 - Piramal Enterprises

Price Action Analysis:

The stock had formed a top in June 2023 at INR 1085-1090 zone. It reversed from the INR 730-750 levels in June and formed a bottom. It broke out above INR 1000 and is now headed to its previous top of INR 1090.

Moving Average:

The 50 and 100 EMA signaled a bullish crossover in July, which triggered a fresh buying in the stock. The50 EMA can act as a strong support for the stock in the upcoming months and any dip around this level can be bought.

Bollinger Bands:

The stock had been trading near the upper band of the Bollinger for over two weeks now. A bullish momentum started as the stock broke the band above INR 1,050

Mool’s Outlook

We anticipate a target of INR 1,150 in the stock in the next 6-8 months, which reflects a 12% upside in the stock.

Stop Loss should be maintained at 925


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